How much do you know about Earth? Test your knowledge by taking the Earth quiz. All you need to do is click on an answer for each question. Have fun!

1: What is Earth?
a) A dwarf planet
b) A planet
c) A moon

3: How long does it take Earth to rotate, or spin around, once?
a) About 24 hours
b) 7 days
c) About 12 hours

9: What is Earth’s nearest neighbor in space called?
a) Neptune
b) The Moon
c) The Sun

11: How many types of different living things are there on Earth?
a) About 2 million
b) About 1,000
c) Over 8 million

15: What is Earth’s nickname?
a) The dusty planet
b) The blue planet
c) The giant planet

17: Which four planets are closest to the Sun?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
b) Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
c) Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune

2: How long is a year on Earth?
a) 50 days
b) 1,000 days
c) 365 days

12: What color is the Moon when we see it in the sky?
a) Bright green
b) White or grayish-white
c) Pink

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