How much do you know about the planet Mars? Test your knowledge by taking the Mars quiz. All you need to do is click on an answer for each question. Have fun!

1: What is Mars?
a) An asteroid
b) A planet
c) A moon

3: What is the surface of Mars covered with?
a) Water
b) Sticky green slime
c) Reddish-brown dust

5: How long is a year on Mars?
a) 365 Earth days
b) One Earth day
c) 687 Earth days

7: How tall is Mars’ giant volcano?
a) 100 miles (160 km) tall
b) 14 miles (22 km) tall
c) 14 feet (4.3 m) tall

13: How long does it take Mars to rotate, or spin, around once?
a) Nearly 25 hours
b) Two weeks
c) 25 days

4: What color is the sky on Mars?
a) Pinkish-orange
b) Black
c) Bright blue

6: What is the name of Mars’ giant volcano?
a) Olympus Mons
b) Mount Everest
c) Mount St. Helens

8: If the volcano was set down on Earth, what
could it cover?
a) All of Arizona
b) All of the United States
c) The Atlantic Ocean

10: What are Mars’ two moons called?
a) KitKat and Snickers
b) Ganymede and Callisto
c) Phobos and Deimos

16: How many astronauts have visited Mars?
a) 2
b) 12
c) 0

18: How big is the Curiosity rover?
a) As big as Arizona
b) As big as a school bus
c) As big as a car

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