How much do you know about Pluto and the Dwarf Planets?
Test your knowledge by taking the Pluto and Dwarf Planets quiz.
All you need to do is click on an answer for each question.
Have fun!

1: What is Pluto?
a) A planet
b) A dwarf planet
c) An asteroid

3: How long does it take Pluto to rotate, or spin around, once?
a) About 203 Earth days
b) About 6.5 Earth days
c) 2 Earth hours

7: What is the name of Pluto’s largest moon?
a) Makemake
b) Mickey
c) Charon

9: When was Pluto discovered?
a) 1930
b) 1890
c) 2001

13: Which dwarf planet is closest to the Sun?
a) Ceres
b) Pluto
c) Eris

17: What shape is the dwarf planet Haumea?
a) Egg-shaped
b) Shaped like a lumpy potato
c) Banana-shaped

6: How many moons have scientists discovered orbiting Pluto?
a) 22
b) 10
c) 5

12: How many dwarf planets have been discovered so far?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 12

20: Which dwarf planet travels farthest from the Sun?
a) Pluto
b) Eris
c) Makemake

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