How much do you know about Saturn? Test your knowledge by taking the Saturn quiz. All you need to do is click on an answer for each question. Have fun!

1: What is Saturn?
a) A planet
b) A comet
c) A moon

3: What is Saturn made of?
a) Liquids and gases
b) Rock
c) Ice

7: How long does it take Saturn to rotate, or spin around, once?
a) About 10.5 Earth hours
b) 3 Earth hours
c) 5,000 Earth hours

9: Who or what is Saturn named after?
a) A popular car
b) A person from the Bible
c) The Roman god of farming

11: How many astronauts have flown to Saturn?
a) 15
b) 0
c) 1

15: Which four planets are farthest from the Sun?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c) Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus

19: What will Cassini do when its mission to Saturn comes
to an end?
a) Cassini will crash itself into Saturn.
b) Cassini will fly back to Earth.
c) Cassini will land on Titan.

4: How long is a year on Saturn?
a) About 40 Earth days
b) Nearly 11,000 Earth days
c) 365 Earth days

8: How many moons does Saturn have?
a) 3
b) At least 53
c) 23

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