How much do you know about the Sun? Test your knowledge by taking the Sun quiz. All you need to do is click on an answer for each question. Have fun!

1: What is the Sun?
a) A planet
b) An asteroid
c) A star

7: How long does it take the Sun to rotate, or spin around, once?
a) Nearly 1,000 Earth days
b) About 2 hours
c) About 25 Earth days

13: During a total eclipse of the Sun, what happens?
a) Day may seem to turn into night.
b) Clouds block out the Sun’s light.
c) Night may seem to turn into day.

2: How many planets orbit the Sun?
a) 7
b) 8
c) 14

4: How many Earths could fit into the Sun?
a) 1 million
b) 25
c) 50

10: Which of these planets is closest to the Sun?
a) Mercury
b) Mars
c) Earth

16: Which of these planets is farthest from the Sun?
a) Jupiter
b) Venus
c) Uranus

20: What did the ancient Romans call the Sun?
a) Sol
b) Gas
c) Sunday

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