New FUNdamental Science Book - Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables: How We Grow and Eat Them

Crunch! Munch! Delicious! We eat fruits and vegetables every day, but how do these foods actually grow? In this book, kids will discover how seeds develop into mature plants from which farmers and gardeners can harvest a crop.Many children are not aware of how the foods they eat are produced, so this eye-opening book will have them looking at produce as plant scientists. They will also learn how fruits and vegetables are good for our bodies and help to keep us healthy.The book includes critical thinking questions, discussion topics, activities and experiments.


Key Selling Features

• High-interest accessible text • Brings STEM to life for young students • Imaginative ideas for hands-on activities • Experiments and investigations • Discussion topics • Critical thinking questions • Close picture and text match • Informative diagrams • High impact design • Free downloadable worksheets and resources • Table of contents, glossary and index

Series Information
